TIL what are Test Doubles
TIL what is blurhash
Read Transforming colors with matrices
TIL what is Immediate Operand
Read some posts about image processing
TIL Apple Watch despite being 64 bit use 32 bit pointers
TIL what does `!$` mean in shell
Read Image Dithering: Eleven Algorithms and Source Code
TIL Raspberry Pi AI Camera on sale now at $70, there's also Raspberry Pi AI Kit available since June 2024
Watched how Linus Torvalds explains "taste" in code
TIL `nonisolated` and `isolated` keywords in Swift
TIL Swift has a `package` access level
TIL swift-java, Swift Java Interoperability Tools and Libraries
TIL new Synchronization framework available since iOS 18
TIL Noncopyable structs and enums in Swift
TIL `.mailmap` in git
TIL how to draw ellipsoid in shapr3d
TIL Safe C++
TIL how Linux C coding style argues for using short local variable names
Read Customizing the build schemes for a project
TIL WhatsApp integrates Signal's protocols
TIL Delta Debugging
TIL `pkg-config`
TIL dependency mirroring and Package Manager Workspace
Bookmarking The Unofficial Guide to xcconfig files
Read Embedded Swift on the Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 without the Pico SDK
TIL `kMDItemKeywords` entry in `Info.plist` could be used to improve iOS app visibility on a device
Read and followed Build an embedded application for a microcontroller
TIL github cli
Bookmarking auto generating git commit message
TIL that since iOS 15 `BinaryFloatingPoint` has `formatted()`
TIL what does "existential type" mean in Swift
TIL what is primary asosiated type in Swift
TIL Skip
TIL `sending` keyword in Swift
TIL how to make XCFramework from swift package
TIL Protocol Conformance Isolation Mismatch
TIL CocoaPods goes off the scene
TIL usvg library
TIL `wcurl` and `ipatool`
TIL Why Charset Matters
TIL about Retroactive Conformances
TIL why airplane electric motors are called outrunner
TIL keystroke `CMD + Option + /` in Xcode for ceating doc comment
Read how to build QuickLook in SwiftUI
Read about Uniform Type Identifiers
TIL swift-testing-revolutionary
Watched videos about system design interviews
TIL it's not easy install Python dependencies on macOS
Read Read [Scan HTML even faster with SIMD instructions (C++ and C#)
Read Aerial Robotic Landscape
Read Memory management when using async/await in Swift
TIL swift-noise
Read FPV Drone Rates Explained: Betaflight & Actual Rates
Watched WWDC 2022 video Meet distributed actors in Swift, Read Concurrency chapter of The Swift Programming language book
Watched WWDC videos Beyond the basics of structured concurrency and Protect mutable state with Swift actors
Read Swift Actors — in depth and watched Explore structured concurrency in Swift
Read Swift proposal `Sendable` and `@Sendable` closures, implemented in Swift 5.7 and proposal Inferring `Sendable` for methods and key path literals, implemented in Swift 6.0
Read Build settings reference - a detailed list of individual Xcode build settings that control or change the way a target is built
TIL `swiftly` - a Swift toolchain installer and manager, written in Swift
Read Anatomy of High-Performance Matrix Multiplication
Read Concurrency-safe global variables to prevent data races
TIL about Swift structured concurrency
Read Plotting a Path to a Package Ecosystem without Data Race Errors
TIL about typed throws in Swift
Read Quick Look Programming Guide in documentation archive
TIL how to Create Ubuntu bootable USB stick on macOS
TIl how pbm, pgm, ppm, pam images could be previewed on macOS
Watched a bunch of WWDC 2024 videos
TIL about Zig programming language
Watched PointFree's issue Modern UIKit: Sneak Peek, Part 2
Watched Modern UIKit: Sneak Peek, Part 1
Read Different flavors of type erasure in Swift
Read ChatGPT for Swift: Top 5 code generation prompts
TIL there're bitmap fonts in textual human readable format
Watched I made an RC flying wing
TIL setjmp/longjmp are undefined behaviors in Swift
TIL Swift sucks at running initialization code e.g. for framework initialisation
TIL interesting method of reading stdin in Swift
TIL the Lenna has own website
Read The case against self-closing tags in HTML
Read Async Await in Swift: Concurrency Explained [With Examples]
TIL a lot new things about ArduPilot
TIL about test coverage reports in Swift Package apps
Read about developing embedded applications with Swift
Read about Result builders in Swift
TIL what are Monads in Swift
Dug in Netpbm
TIL about Privacy manifest files
TIL How To Engrave Text On A Part in Shapr3D
Read about telegram bot webhooks
TIL SSH deployment with GitHub actions
TIL about `.scss`
TIL 3MF 3D Manufacturing Format
TIL about Swift evolution proposal Module Aliasing For Disambiguation
TIL about Panic's Playdate console which could be programmed with Swift
Read How to use the rethrows keyword in Swift and Deploying [Vapor] with Nginx
TIL how to flash flight controller with Ardupilot on Mac without STM32Cube Programmer
TIL Common Crawl
Bookmarking Ray Tracing in One Weekend
Passed over Explore Xcode: Hello, SwiftUI tutorial
Bookmarking Fast Quicksort Implementation Using AVX Instructions
TIL Apple launched new SwiftUI tutorials
TIL Adwaita
TIL list of Mission Commands in ArduPilot
TIL PETOI maker of open source Arduino and Raspberry Pi-based quadruped robotic pets
TIL SwiftUI View's Instance Method `onChange(of:initial:_:)`
TIL how macros work in Swift
TIL some debug techniques in SwiftUI
TIL about app prewarming introduced in iOS 15
Read Debugging Improvements in Swift 5.9
Watched Optimising a VTOL and Configuring GPS Rescue (Return to Home, Failsafe) on Betaflight 4
TIL How to use Environment in SwiftUI
Read and tried How to display a WebView in SwiftUI
TIL Correct Horse Battery Staple
Read Creating a Betaflight target from scratch
TIL `withCheckedContinuation` and `withUnsafeContinuation` in Swift 5.5
TIL about Hardened Runtime
TIL to use tinkercad and have drawn and printed the firsth thing
TIL about image stippling
TIL How async/await works internally in Swift
TIL about JSON Pointers
TIL how to implement searchable lists in SwiftUI
TIL setters in Swift could be `nonmutating`
Passed through guides and documentation on SwiftUI List
TIL how to get string from AttributedString in Swift
Ran through Build an iOS app with SwiftUI
Read paper A Systematic Approach to Building High Performance Software-Based CRC Generators
TIL Galileo AI
Ran through SwiftUI tutorial Chapter 4 Framework integration. Interfacing with UIKit
TIL on-crash backtraces introduced in Swift 5.9
Ran through SwiftUI tutorials App design and layout. Composing complex interfaces And Working with UI controls
Ran through SwiftUI tutorial Drawing and animation. Animating views and transitions
Ran through SwiftUI tutorial Drawing and animation. Drawing paths and shapes
TIL how servo motors work
TIL how inner/outer stokes could be recreated in SVG
Browsed Book Small unmanned aircraft. Theory and Practice
Read How Did REST Come To Mean The Opposite of REST
Ran through SwiftUI tutorial SwiftUI essentials. Handling user input
Ran through SwiftUI tutorial SwiftUI essentials. Building lists and navigation
Read Bloom Filters Explained
TIL shortcut could include steps like entering free text
Read The world's smallest PNG which could serve as short introduction into PNG format
Passed over SwiftUI tutorial SwiftUI essentials. Creating and combining views
TIL how to claim back disk space from git repo: `git gc --aggressive`
TIL how make Swift package depend another package on local machine
TIL how to use `do` block in Swift to narrow scope of vars inside block
Read Asynchronous Tests and Expectations
TIL how to use xcconfig for setting development team id and bundle id
TIL `git cherry`
TIL how to install Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi
TIL how to copy whole website onto local machine with just one `wget` command
TIL what does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) for parameters in Python
TIL asyncio.sleep
TIL periphery - tool to find dead Swift code
TIL .netrc; TIL how to run specific test case with `swift test`
TIL how to save image data into a file in debug session in Xcode
TIL MoCap positioning system
TIL How to generate TLS certificate in command line
TIL `atan2`
TIL Webber, SwifWeb, swiftlang.xyz; Dug in swiftwasm.org
TIL `async`/`await` in JavaScript
Watched some intro lectures on topic Control systems engineering
TIL Python Decorators
TIL how to hide and show HTML elements with JavaScript
TIL ArduPilot Development Site
Read Create a Text File in Memory Then Download It on Button Click With Vanilla JS
TIL what is Balun
TIL Ziegler Nichols Method for tuning PID controllers
TIL `ss` linux command
Read Open Source Motion Capture for Autonomous Drones: $20 system for room-scale millimeter level precision motion capture
Read D-Bus Tutorial
TIL about dbus
TIL swift-mmio
TIL Hummingbird
TIL what is Proportional navigation
TIL Linker script
TIL Apple has service to check whether clients connecting to your server are valid instances of your app
Read That is Why You and I Should Become Rustaceans
Read paper State Machine Design Pattern
TIL about ExpressLRS Airport
Experimented with сreating drag and drop uploader with Vapor
Tried neovim-qt for the first time
TIL what is slug in URL
Passed over chapter 3 of Practical Server Side Swift book
TIL about `keyboardLayoutGuide` in iOS 15
TIL what is SGML
TIL how to make Vapor listen port in external IP address
TIL ssh -A for agent forwarding
Dug in AirSim sources
TIL about `@unchecked Sendable`
Read slides of VimConf 2019 talk by NeoVim creator Justin Key
Dug in interesting 2D geometry C++ library
TIL about `withLock` existing in all kinds of locks
Read great A Primer on Bézier Curves
Found several Swift senseless diagnostics
TIL what is 6DOF and 9DOF sensor fusion
TIL Pipenv
Watched ArduPilot UnConference 2019 - ArduPilot Lua Scripting
TIL what does process legacyScreenSaver-x84-64 mean on Apple M1
Read Access Control and `protected` post in Apple Swift blog
Read 8.3 Customizing Git - Git Hooks of Pro Git book
Read About System Integrity Protection on Mac; TIL about OpenCore Legacy Patcher
TIL how to tune video in Betaflight
TIL URL Text Fragments
Read extreemly interesting post Exploring EXIF
TIL a lot about PID controller
TIL about Side Force
TIL shared memory in Python
TIL about SBUS
TIL "content negotiation" in HTTP
TIL servo can be Positional rotation and Continuous rotation
TIL PPM, PGM, PBM, PNM textual file formats for images/bitmaps
TIL what does '!r' in format string mean in Python; What ExpressLRS and Crossfire have in common
TIL git looses commit signature after rebasing and merging with GitHub
Read Martin Fowler's CodeSmell
TIL class variables and `map` function in Python
TIL how to write unit tests in Python
TIL `ssh -X` for X Windows forwarding
Read great series how to build quadcopter's Flight Controller from scratch
Read The Worst Programmer I Know essay; Requested access to llama
TIL how to set up in Betaflight newly built drone
TIL about Sensor Fusion algorithms
TIL Read ExpressLRS Vs Crossfire
TIL `htop`, human `top`
Read `git`: `fetch` and `merge`, don’t `pull`
Read iOS Architecture: A State Container based approach; Passed over Tutorial Your First Simulation in Webots
Watched Lecture 1 | Stanford CS193p 2023
TIL `script`
TIL suckless.org
TIL what is Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) and difference between `/tmp` and `/var/tmp`
Wasted time trying to launch BLHeli Configurator on macOS
TIL how to setup Raspbery Pi with Raspberry Pi Imager
TIL CLI for macOS `system_profiler SPUSBDataType` to list available USB devices
TIL what is the "bookmark" in my terminal when I touch the icon on my touchbar
TIL about `foobar.withgoogle.com`
TIL brave search
Watched Learn To Test Your Flight Controller With A Multimeter
TIL Raspberry Pi Zero doesn't have power LED
TIL about Xcode Releases and how now old Xcode releases could be launched
TIL Python 3.10 intoduced `match case`
TIL different ways to detect key presses in Python
TIL what is Real-time kinematic positioning
TIL Ubuntu cannot be installed from packages on Raspberry Pi Zero v1; Played with GPIO on Jetson
TIL where Xcode stores derived data
TIL `arp -a` for listing devices in local network
TIL Dunder methods in Python
TIL what is OpenMP
TIL MAVLink drone movements commands
Bookmarking TextPaths
Dug with MavLink whole day
TIL argparse Python module
TIL simple-pid Python library; TIL what for is `~/.local` folder
Read Telegram Bot API documentation
TIL MAVSDK is sh*t mostly capable of controlling simulated drones
TIL how to download file with CLI on macOS; TIL Gezebo simulator doesn't work on macOS; TIL how to launch Linux on macOS with new Vurtualization framework
Watched video 5" Freestyle FPV Drone Build
Dug with MAVLink
TIL PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) works to control servos; TIL how to takeoff and move drone with MAVLink
TIL a lot about MAVLink; TIL what is Antenna Tracking
TIL swift-http-types package; TIL how to control drone servoes with MAVLink
TIL a lot about MAVLink and ArduPilot
TIL AT Protocol; TIL how to simulate robots in Webots
TIL how to mount on a mac a folder on remote machine using `sshfs`
TIL characteristics for LiPo batteries for FPV drones
TIL GitHub Projects; How to copy files to S3 bucket with CLI; `URLSessionConfiguration`'s `waitsForConnectivity` property
TIL how to use Albumentations
TIL protocols used in radio control
TIL MAVLink capabilities; ArduPilot's Mission Planner capabilities
TIL how to bind ExpressLRS remote control with drone
TIL about Webots capabilities; Dug in Core Graphics documentation
TIL software for simulating robots
TIL mktmp cli for making temporary files/directories in Linux
TIL FIFTYONE utility for building/browsing datasets for computer vision models
TIL how to rotate UIImage properly
TIL how to use ffmpeg for reducing video size
TIL AWS allows to add your own code to S3 GET requests
TIL how to make webpage with Vapor
Watched WWDC 2023 session video Debug with structured logging and Discover machine learning enhancements in Create ML
Watched WWDC23 Platforms State of the Union
TIL Double Protocol Conformance could be a problem in Swift
Read Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimations
Passed Getting Started With Vapor 4 tutorial
TIL what's AWS S3 bucket policy to allow public read access to all objects in bucket looks like; TIL double click on brace/bracket in Xcode jumps to opposite one and selects block
TIL capitalization matters in URLs
TIL difference between Sequence, AsyncSequence, and AsyncStream
Watched WWDC 21 session video Meet AsyncSequence
TIL how to use `URLSession` on Linux
TIL Swift Package Manager treats dependencies based on branch as unstable
TIL Swift 5.7 have added functions `trimPrefix` and `trimmingPrefix`
Watched iOS Architect Crash Course Lecture #3 - The fastest and simplest way to become a complete Senior iOS Developer
TIL using `tmux`
Watched iOS Architect Crash Course Lecture #2 - What every Senior iOS Dev should know Principles & Patterns Applied
TIL what is Hardened Runtime and watched bonus Threading Operations and Queues of iOS Architect Crash Course
Watched iOS Architect Crash Course Lecture #1 - Common mistakes preventing iOS devs from becoming true seniors of iOS Architect Crash Course
Read Telegram's Bots: An introduction for developers
Watched Stanford's CS193P Spring 2021 Lecture 4: Memorize Game Logic and 5 SwiftUI Concepts Every Beginning SwiftUI Developer Needs To Know
Watched Stanford's CS193P Spring 2021 Lecture 2: Learning more about SwiftUI and Lecture 3: MVVM and the Swift type system
Watched Stanford's CS193P Spring 2021 Lecture 1: Getting started with SwiftUI
Watched How to create a Generic Networking Layer in iOS apps
Dag in swift-foundation
Watched WWDC 2021 session video Meet async/await in Swift
TIL utf8everywhere.org
TIL how to connect to droplets in DigitalOcean with SSH
TIL Swift Power Asserts; Punycode
Read AI-deck Documentation and Examples Update
TIL how to create private fork of public repo on GitHub
TIL how to make static parking page for website with DigitalOcean Functions or with DigitalOcean's static website App
TIL how to make several blank lines in markdown
TIL how to make Swift on Windows for after Swift or Visuyal Studio update
TIL how make Swift command line interactive
TIL ChatGPT could give better results than organic search results
TIL what's new in Swift 5.8
TIL dig +short ns example.com and how to manage DNS with DigitalOcean
TIL jq
Tinkered with Swift code with simultaneous accesses to mutable struct
TIL rethrows in Swift
Read how to train YOLO5 in Google Colab
TIL modern iPhone still could be jailbroken
Watched WWDC 2018 session video 237 Quick Look Previews from the Ground Up
TIL _Alignas in C and alignas in C++
TIL __cleanup__ attribute in GCC
Overflow arithmetic vs saturating arithmetic vs regular arithmetic
Watched WWDC 2014 video about Accelerate, read about Factory pattern in Swift
TIL Voxel, Polyhedron, 2.5D maps
TIL @_disfavoredOverload in Swift
TIL copyleft-next
Tinkered with SIMD operations in Swift
TIL Complementary Filter
TIL Bitonic sorter
Watched a bunch of lectures about Crazyflie
TIL Crazyflie's Stabilizer Module
TIL GitHub Copilot
TIL how to save money when using GitHub Actions for iOS CI/CD
TIL Crazyflie 2.0: System Architecture
TIL Fletcher checksum, UART
TIL git has global .gitignore file
TIL Git scrapping
Watched the first lecture of Princeton: Introduction to Robotics
TIL alloca
TIL lazygit
TIL NULL is disfavored in C++ in sake of nullptr
TIL Stable Diffusion could be selfhosted
TIL why to use make with Swift package, how to gather code coverage without Xcode, new useful CLI tools
TIL Xcode configuration files
TIL how transparently compress individual files/folders in macOS (afsctool)
TIL `rm -rf $(brew --cache)` could free up 7GB om my machine
TIL how to use ManagedBuffer in Swift
TIL nothing new(
TIL Data labelling is big business
TIL Voronoi diagrams, Medial axis
TIL Matrix determinats is polygon area
TIL Swift Expression Macros
TIL gimbal lock
TIL @ attributes in Swift
TIL C++ enum class
TIL how to work with Swift in Visual Studio on Windows
TIL oneway keyword on Objective-C
Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer
Aliases in bash
Remove unavailable simulators; SWIFT_DEFER
TIL C++ allow declaring variable inside condition in if statement
restrict keyword in C
(opinionated) iOS Interview Questions
Ask Apple a question; swift-tagged package
TIL swift-system package; yield keyword in Swift
SwiftPM package to WebAssembly
Swift package manifest cheatsheet; Swift Package Manager Usage
TIL @_implementationOnly; GitHub actions
Low-level Swift optimization tips; Stable Diffusion to Core ML; Debugging Tips
TIL the less dependencies the better
TIL how good Swift runtime detecting non-exclusive access; about DigitalOcean Functions
TIL more about cross-platform Swift
TIL How to share code between targets in Swift package; Codable vs NSCoding
TIL how to build customized dmg in command line
TIL how to use symlinks in git repo in Windows
TIL how to pass defines with -Xswiftc option to all swift compiler invocations
TIL subst Windows command; Managed to make Swift on Windows working
TIL that Swift on Windows 10 isn't working
TIL Compiler Explorer. Again
TIL how to train YOLO and a lot about Swift generics and how they are compiled
TIL how Swift generics are compiled and usefull compiler flags
Bookmarking post Why I am sceptical selfdiving cars will boom in next 5 years
TIL math behind different blend modes
TIL about snapshot testing implementation
Bookmarking good implementaion of RandomNumberGenerator with seed
Bookmarking essay Why operators are useful by Guido van Rossum
TIL image dithering
Bookmarking article Slow Swift Compiler Performance
Bookmarking article about remote sensors monitoring
Read post Why IT-man cannot pass interview with HR; Read post about data labelling
Watched some session videos from WWDC 2022
TIL built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis framework
TIL ShazamKit; Swift allows now writing extension Array<String> { /* ... */ }
TIL idea recognizing images with KAZE, SIFT, ORB algorithms
TIL Actor model and Actors in Swift
TIL Compiler explorer to research compiler output
TIL about distributed systems built with Swift
TIL result builders (@resultBuilder) in Swift
Watched video Simple AWS Lambda website
TIL Embedded development in Swift; Swift Numerics introducing Real and Complex; μSwift; C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore; ThreadX running Raspberry Pi; Websites using Swift and AWS Lambda
Help Ukraine Now!
TIL about __auto_type in Objective-C
TIL `NSTextAlignment` lesson: same enum could have different raw values on different platforms
TIL about Swift type placeholders and the trick of using tuples for complex sorting operations
TIL about memory usage performance
TIL how to extract data from documents using Vision framework
TIL how tagged pointers are working in Objective-C
TIL/refreshed memory about NSOperations
TIL Bradly algorythm for binaryzing images
TIL something new about iCloud sync
TIL how to migrate your project with Carthage to Xcode 12
TIL XCFramework format in Xcode 11 (Binary Frameworks in Swift)
TIL how to detect taps in SwiftUI
TIL xargs
TIL about GitHub easter eggs
TIL what exactly are meant by frameworks
TIL how to print git remote branches sorted by last commit date
TIL how to Set PTR Records and Reverse DNS in DigitalOcean
TIL in Swift cast from 'Any' to 'AnyObject' always succeeds
TIL a bit about Quick Look
TIL a lot about CRC32
TIL spellchecking is available in Xcode since version 11
TIL about CPU 6502 emulator
TIL how to catch exact exception in Swift
TIL UTF-8 encoding used by Mac for filenames is insane
TIL how to setup Brother printer on Raspberry Pi
TIL how to decode a JSON Field that Could Be String or Double with Swift
TIL details about inlining in Swift
TIL about ARUCO markers; how to launch built in Python IDE named IDLE
TIL more about Property Wrappers in Swift
Read GitHub Actions for iOS projects
TIL Image segmentation with deep learning
Watched WWDC 2019 session 413 video Testing in Xcode
Read Organizing Your Code with Local Packages
TIL a lot about Swift Packages and Binary Frameworks
After several years I have again project with git submodules
TIL about Swift Struct Storage
Read Swift on Raspberry Pi Workshop
TIL what's new in Swift 5.4
TIL how to restore deleted branch in git and some comprehenses of `git stash`
Read Create a React- and SwiftUI-Inspired Web App With Swift for WebAssembly on MacOS With SwiftWasm
TIL `FileManager.default.displayName(atPath: url.path)` for displaying name of file/folder to the user
Read Modern Dependency Injection in Swift
TIL how to rotate images and matrices
Read My Swift Package Manager Release Workflow
TIL how to make C library available in Swift using the Swift Package Manager
Read Interviewing for an iOS Design System Engineer role at Spotify
Read Writing High-Performance Swift Code from Swift compiler
TIL `dynamic` in Swift; what Thunk means in computer programming
Watched Mike Ash'es talk Exploring Swift Memory Layout
Read Benchmarking Xcode Performance on a large Swift Project
Read Readdle's Swift for Android
Read Compile Swift for Raspberry Pi by Xcode
TIL ThreadX proprietary realtime OS launches on Raspberry Pi before Linux
TIL about different ways of reading/writing GPIO on Linux
TIL about Swift for Tensorflow
TIL storing loaded images with NSCache and NSURLCache in Swift; Network Link Conditioner on macOS; how to print all characters from CharacterSet
TIL Robot pattern; swift-system package
TIL state of Swift for WebAssembly; Generators in Swift
TIL C++ isn't fast
TIL how use pointers in Swift; use Swift on AWS Lambda with Xcode
Watched cocoacast episode Mastering MVVM With Swift
TIL Optional argument chaining in Swift
TIL what's new in Swift 5.3; Better Git Workflow with Rebase
TIL abount Danger for Swift
Read Apple's recent blog post Managing Model Data in Your App
TIL difference between `class` and `static` members in Swift; what is redacted view
Watched a bunch of Tips and Tricks in Cocoacast
TIL unsafelyUnwrapped in Swift
TIL how Swift imports C APIs
Watched Mastering MVVM With Swift, What Are Self-Executing Closures Tips and Tricks
Read Learning Dependency Injection using Swift
TIL how to Spot Toxic Software Jobs From Their Descriptions
TIL about enhancements to Quick Look on iOS and macOS
TIL Speech Framework
TIL `NSDoubleLocalizedStrings`
TIL `CIContext` is heavy and should be reused
TIL how to bypass numerical noised captcha with neural net on tensorflow, keras and python
TIL how to build a Synthesizer in Swift; how to detect beats with AudioKit
TIL dynamic time warping algorithm
TIL Xcode source editor extensions
TIL binary or octal literal in Swift; rounding in Swift; shell script to run some cli on every file matching pattern
TIL how to persist business logic with Swift Combine
TIL how to list branches in git ordered by date of the last commit; saturation arithmetic
TIL how to call C functions from Python and how to pass pointers
TIL that Apple's documentation for BLAS has bugs
TIL in Swift `unsafeBitCast(_:to:)`, `type(of:)`, `withoutActuallyEscaping(_:do:)`, 'OpaquePointer', `MemoryLayout`, `offset(of:)`, `AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer`
TIL `memory` command of lldb, `UnsafeMutablePointer` initialization in Swift
TIL `std::log2p1()` calculates binary logarithm and adds 1 which is number of bit needed for storing argument
TIL a lot about unsafe Swift
TIL Swift is not faster than C++ as many think
TIL object initialization in Objective-C
Read Five tips to write better todos in Xcode
Read Round trip Swift number types to/from Data
Read Advancements in Apple’s Vision Framework: 2019 Year-in-Review; Swift's String Manifesto
TIL how to convert images to MLMultiArray
TIL something new in C++; how create a Command-Line Tool Using Swift Package Manager
TIL how to copy a file from one place to another with showing progress
TIL about implementing throwing protocol functions as non-throwing in Swift
TIL Publish - a static site generator built specifically for Swift developers
TIL about faster `Array` operations with `CollectionOfOne` in Swift
Read issue #150 of Swift Weekly Brief
TIL Google Dataset Search; Registry of Open Data on AWS
Read The Advanced Guide to UserDefaults in Swift
Read Access Control and Inheritance from Swift documentation
Read about measuring code execution time on iOS; how KVO in Swift works
Read about Iterator design pattern in Swift universe
Read How OptionSet works inside the Swift Compiler; Useful obscure Foundation types in Swift
Read about serialization in Swift; State restoration in iOS 13; Type Casting in Swift; Checking for Protocol Conformance in Swift; Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels; Thoughts on iOS Architecture
TIL how to make xcode project file from cmake
TIL some new stuff on Swift Alps 2019 second day ⛷
TIL some new stuff on Swift Alps 2019 first day ⛷
TIL `isContinuous` property of `UISlider`
TIL again Changes in the `ViewController` Presentation Style on iOS 13
TIL Changes in the `ViewController` Presentation Style on iOS 13
TIL how to update Private CocoaPods
Read Advanced Operators chapter of The Swift programming language
Read about nested types in Swift
Read Properties chapter of The Swift programming language
Watched again WWDC 2016 session video Unified Logging and Activity Tracing
TIL `URLSession` in iOS 13 already supports WebSockets
Read Memory Safety, Deinitialization, Strings and Characters chapters of The Swift programming language
TIL Flyweight pattern; Multiton pattern; what is String interning; refreshed how to make concurrent `NSOperation`
Read NSHipster's Device Identifiers and Fingerprinting on iOS; TIL Apple provides Supported iPhone models
Read Closures chapter of The Swift Programming Language book
TIL `unowned(safe)` and `unowned(unsafe)` exist in Swift
Read Differentiable Programming documentation in Swift
Read Crash course in Swift's 'function builders' with SwiftUI
TIL about comparing floats in Swift
TIL `git reflog`
TIL `stride(from:, to:, by:)` function returns `StrideTo<Element>`
Read about `Sequence` and `Collection` in Swift; about type erase
Read Sequence Hacking In Swift series; Iterator design pattern in Swift
TIL how to iterate pairs if Sequence in Swift
TIL Intersection over Union (IoU) for object detection; read Swift Property Wrappers
TIL how `Range` is implemented in Swift
Read Identifiable and Hashable / Hasher chapters at NSHipster; TIL Apple is using version 4 of UUID
TIL cp -a /source/. /target` copies all files from source to target not using wildcards
TIL googleimagesdownload CLI for downloading images from Google in command line
TIL `objc_msgSend`'s new prototype; usign ffmpeg to convert audio in video
TIL `MemoryLayout<Float>.stride` in Swift as equivalent of `sizeof(float)` in C; `CFBitVector` for bit arrays; no `UInt128` in Swift
Read interesting Swift evolution proposal Offset-Based Access to Indices, Elements, and Slices
Found out that `DispatchSourceTimer` set to fire every 500ms with leeway 10ms fires first three times with half of that interval
Read Popovers, UINavigationController, and preferredContentSize and a lot of other interesting stuff
How to properly mention method in Swift similar to Objective-C `-[Class method:parameter]`?
TIL how to write parser using SIMD operations
Read An in-depth look at CoreML 3
Read Build iOS-ready machine learning models using Create ML and Machine Learning on iOS: Computer Vision
Read chapter Error Handling of The Swift programming language guide
TIL Apple's port of BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and Compression as part of Accelerate framework
TIL AltStore
TIL how semantics of `&signalFloats[offset]` is different in Objective-C and Swift
TIL Modality changes in iOS13
TIL I don’t (always) need `[weak self]`
TIL `Unmanaged` in Swift
Watched video But what is the Fourier Transform? A visual introduction.
Watched Paul Hudson's video The Evolution of Swift: Are we there yet?
Completely forgot `dispatch_once` was removed
Firstly used Swift's Array Initializer with Access to Uninitialized Storage; Read about Curry Function in Swift
Read Dynamic Features in Swift
Read What is NSUserDefaults?]; What’s new in Swift 5.1
Read Swift Generics Evolution
Read Secrets of “printf`
Watched Swift Talk #167 Building a Collection View
Read Timsort and Introsort: Swift's Sorting Algorithms
Watched Paul Hudson's How to use the Coordinator pattern in iOS
TIL `JSONDecoder`, `JJLISO8601DateFormatter`; Read Caching in Swift
Read first chapters of App Architecture. iOS Application Design Patterns in Swift
TIL two instances of `UIColor` can't be directly compared
TIL `expandingTildeInPath` exists for `NSString` but not for `String`
Found good mini-reference and mini-manual on Scrum
Interesting Swift interview question
TIL what is frequency response
TIL Robot pattern; Costs of sharing code between iOS and Android
TIL Presenting Coordinators; `reduce` in Swift along with `reduce(_:_:)` has version `reduce(into:_:)`
TIL how to make private gist public
TIL Xcode project vs Xcode workspace
WWDC 2018 session #705 video Engineering Subscriptions
TIL `didSet` doesn't fire for wiped out weak optional
TIL details about protocol extensions in Swift
TIL details about `RawRepresentable` in Swift
Read Useful obscure Foundation types in Swift
Read Opaque Types chapter in Swift manual
Came across interesting repo Lickability Swift Best Practices Guide
Looked in one FFT implementation
Read Create and Distribute Private Libraries with CocoaPods
Browsed A Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Money Changing Problem
Read Swift 5.1 Collection Diffing
TIL `git clean`; Fortran is still in use on macOS
Read swifting.io issue #53 First steps with NFC on iOS 13
Read On Code Review about prioritizing code review above other work
Read chapter 4 of Machine Learning with CoreML book
Read Core Audio Introduction
Read Assert, Precondition and Fatal Error in Swift - Five Ways to Fail; Reducing Memory Footprint and OOM Terminations in iOS; Played with generating MIDI in iOS
Read Reducing Memory Footprint and OOM Terminations in iOS
Came across very strange runtime error instantiating CoreML model - solution was unexpected
Open question: how to assign reference type to self in initializer
Read Utilizing value semantics in Swift; Cracking my windshield and earning $10,000 on the Tesla Bug Bounty Program
Read Distributing Custom B2B iOS Apps privately
TIL about `SimulatorStatusMagic` and `simctl status_bar`
Watched WWDC 2011 session video #209 Inside the Accelerate Framework for iOS
TIL details about vDSP from Accelerate Framework
Read Implementing Hash Table Algorithms in Swift; Source code of Dictionary.swift
Read Exploring Swift Dictionary's Implementation
Watched Swift Talk episode #160 Lazy Data Loading; Point Free episode #64 Parser Combinators; Read Problem Solving with Combine Swift
Read Fast.ai’s Deep Learning from the Foundations with Swift for TensorFlow; Read about `swiftbrew` CLI
Read NSHipster's `UIStackView` and `CAEmitterLayer`
Read again What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic; Watched IEEE-754 Analysis; Example code for FFT
TIL wtfautolayout.com; Read The missing ☑️: SwiftWebUI; Read How I set up a Jenkins node for iOS jobs
Read An in-depth look at Core ML 3; Custom Layers in Core ML; MobileNetV2 + SSDLite with Core ML
TIL good real-life examples in Accelerate framework documentation
TIL about market for software for audio units
Read NSHipster's Swift Property Wrappers; Exhaustive rundown of the many faces of `@`; Attributes chapter of Swift language reference
TIL about Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications
TIL different array ordering naming row-major (aka C order) and column-major (aka Fortran order)
Tried FFTW library for calculating discrete Fourier transform
Watched Week 2 of Coursera course Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications
Read What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic; TIL how to show in Xcode memory area formatted to some basic types like `float`
TIL swift-sh - a tool which allows to write CLI in Swift with dependencies; Watched Swift Talk #157 Asynchronous Networking with SwiftUI
TIL why growth factor 2 for array is rigorously the worst possible
Read Read Exposing `NSMutableArray`
TIL new stuff about music notation
TIL Cauli - network debugging framework
TIL how to examine memory areas in Xcode
Read RxSwift: Requiescat in Pace (RIP)
Read WWDC 2019 - The Things You May Have Missed; Contributing to the Swift Benchmark Suite
Watched Swift Talk episode #156 A First Look at SwiftUI
Watched again WWDC 2019 session #704 [Core ML 3 Framework
Read Nate Cook's post Swift's Pointy Bits: Unsafe Swift & Pointer Types; Watched videos about Short-time Fast Fourier Transform
Whole day digging into vDSP Programming Guide
Read vDSP Programming Guide; Re-watched WWDC 2019 session #204 video Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App
Passed through First lecture of Coursera's Audio signal processing course
Read Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) tutorial
Read Migrating paid app to free app with In-App Purchase; Read Promises in Swift for beginners; Watched WWDC 2019 session #406 video Create ML for Object Detection and Sound Classification; Watched online WWDC 2019 session #222 video Understanding Images in Vision Framework and some more
Watched WWDC 2019 session #204 video Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App
Watched WWDC 2019 keynote; Brush up my understanding of Fast Fourier transform
Read a chapter of Deep Work book
Dug in some old plane C code with blocked file reading/writing
Played with mel-spectrograms
TIL Backend Driven UI and Server-sent events
Read `UIAppearance` seems not to be that simple; Read Architecture of networking core in iOS app
TIL XOR linked list and Unrolled linked lists
TIL How OS X Executes Applications
TIL about `@autoreleasepool` uses in 2019 Swift
Watched Swift talk #153 Making Impossible States Impossible
Reread Andrej Karpathy's Software 2.0
Reread Flow coordinator pattern on steroids
TIL time CLI
TIL time CLI; Firstly used NS_SWIFT_NAME
Read post of Jeremy Howard from fast.ai High Performance Numeric Programming with Swift: Explorations and Reflections; Read Post Choosing Between Structures and Classes by Apple; Read Swift for TensorFlow Design Overview; Read NSHipster's OptionSet; Read a chapter of Deep Work book
Watched Processing CommonMark using Folds
TIL there's no library for iOS for rendering SVG with full support of static features
Read Xcode Build Configuration Files; Read Image Resizing Techniques
Read NSHipster's API Pollution in Swift Modules; TIL Swift's Numeric Protocol; TIL what exactly means SVG
TIL `NSHost`/`CFHost`/`Host`; Watched Swift Talk #116 Building a Custom XML Decoder; Read Diseconomies of Scale and Lines of Code
Read Readdle's Swift for Android: Our Experience and Tools; Watched Swift Talk episode #115 Building a Custom XML Decoder; Read Ash Furrow's post Swift Type Aliases: Use Early and Often; Read Dependency Injection in Swift; Read post The Wrong Binary
Watched Point Free issue #56 What Is a Parser?
Watched [Swift talk episode #150 The Origins of Reduce; episode #151 Reduce vs. Fold
Read Accio – SwiftPM for iOS & Co. today!; Read Pure functions in Swift; Read Static factory methods in Swift; Read Using child view controllers as plugins in Swift, all three by John Sundell; Read NSHipster's post Optional, throws, Result, and async/await
TIL Nimble and Quick
Read Why I don’t use PDFs for iOS assets; Read NSHipster's Optional, throws, Result, and async/await
Watched WWDC 2018 session Metal for Accelerating Machine Learning
Read Handling Input from Apple Pencil and Pencil Interactions documentation; read Apple Pencil at pspdfkit.com; Read John Sundell's Building iPad Pro features in Swift
Read John Sundell's Constructing URLs in Swift
Passed over several Swift proposals
Passed over `Decimal` aka `NSDecimalNumber`
Passed through App form design best practices; Watched Swift Talk #149 We use SwiftSyntax to add highlighting for Swift code blocks
TIL `partition` function of `Collection`; TIL `__consumable` in Swift
Came back to Google's Swift Style Guide
Watched Swift talk episode 147 Markdown Playgrounds: Executing Swift Code and episode 148 Markdown Playgrounds: String Handling; Read documentation Support Universal Links and `NSUserActivity`
Watched WWDC 2015 session 412 Time profiling in depth
Watched again WWDC 2015 session 409 Optimizing Swift Performance
Read Understanding Swift for TensorFlow
Watched Swift Talk episode #147 Markdown Playgrounds: Executing Swift Code; Watched Point free episode #54 Advanced Swift Syntax Enum Properties
Watched WWDC episode #409 Optimizing Swift Performance
Watched WWDC 2016 session #419 video Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps; Watched WWDC 2016 session #416 video Understanding Swift Performance
Came across UIView-SmoothCorners repo
Watched again WWDC 2016 session #414 video Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift
Watched, probably, hundredth time, WWDC 2015 session #408 video Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
Read The Pragmatic Guide to Scalable Swift Architecture for 2019
Read fun post by Jesse Squires Agile by degrees: How to estimate engineering project timelines; Read NSHipster's post `NSOperation`
Passed over Swift evolution `String` Gaps and Missing APIs
Re-read [Getting Started with Swift Compiler Development; Watched Point Free issue #53 Swift Syntax Enum Properties
Read John Sundell's post Inline types and functions in Swift
Watched Swift Talk #146 Markdown Playgrounds: Markdown Syntax Highlighting; Read John Sundell's Swift sequences: The art of being lazy
TIL what's new in Swift 5.1
Read John Sundell's String parsing in Swift
Read John Sundell's Different flavors of type erasure in Swift and Avoiding race conditions in Swift
Watched Point Free Issue #52 Enum Properties
Read What’s new in Swift 5.0; Watched String Interpolation in Swift 5 (Part 2)
Read What’s new in Swift 5.0; Watched String Interpolation in Swift 5 (Part 2)
Read [Method Dispatch in Swift; `@objc` and `dynamic`
Read Watch out for protocol extensions in your Swift API (unit tests trap)
Watched Point Free episode #51 Structs 🤝 Enums; Read How not to get desperate with MVVM implementation; Read How to implement MVVM pattern in Swift from scratch
Passed over Custom View Controller presentations, the right way
Read UTF-8 String swift.org blog post; Watched talk on Swift for TensorFlow by Chris Lattner and Brennan Saeta; Passed over swift-log, a Logging API package for Swift 5; Read Key Path Expressions as Functions Swift evolution proposal
Browsed post Using Google Cloud Translation API to Power Your iOS App with Instant Translation; Read fun post Everything you need to know about Loading Animations; TIL What is a configurable initialization
Read Capture lists in Swift; Passed over Enumeration and Closures chapters in The Swift programming language guide
Read Types chapter of The Swift language reference
Played with Swift models for Tensorflow
Read again Chapter 2 of Machine learning with Core ML book; Read Identifying objects in Swift; Read Code encapsulation in Swift
Read again post of John Sundell Replacing legacy code using Swift protocols
Watched Swift talk about String interpolation in Swift 5; Read very old post of Natasha The Robot Swift: What are Protocols with Associated Types?; Watched Alexis Gallagher's talk Protocols with Associated Types
Passed over Apple docs Logging; Read post of Peter Steinberger Adding Logging to Crash Reports; Read Unused localized strings clean up from a Strings file
Read Life in the slow lane or, how we stopped using fastlane for continuous integration
Read post The Sad State of Logging Bugs for Apple
Read interesting post about building WatchKit app
Watched Point Free issue #50 Generative Art: Part 2
Read interesting post about ukrainian number plates detection and recognition
Watched Swift Talk #142 Flow Testing with Protocols; Read Safely supporting new versions of Swift; Read iOS Responder Chain: UIResponder, UIEvent, UIControl and uses
Watched WWDC 2017 session What's New in Swift
TIL how to work properly with ArraySlice in Swift
Re-watched year old Point Free episode Algebraic Data Types and Some news about `contramap`
Watched some videos from dotSwift conferences; TIL libraries Unbox, ObjectMapper, Gloss for mapping objects in Swift
TIL Nice trick to spawn playground with shortcut; Watched Generative Art: Part 1
Read post Swift Package Manager builds iOS frameworks
Read Pitch: an Official Style Guide and Formatter for Swift
Watched WWDC 2018 video Embracing Algorithms
Read post Analyzing Complexity by Soroush Khanlou
Read `UIView` styling with functions
TIL `prefix(while:)` and `"0"..."9"`
Watched Point-Free episode #48 Predictable Randomness: Part 2
TIL default memberwise initializer for a structure type is considered private if any of the structure’s stored properties are private
Read post Swift dependency injection design pattern
Watched Point-Free episode #47 Predictable Randomness: Part 1
Read fun post How I have interviewed hundred people, rejected everyone and only then learnt how to interview
TIL swift-code-metrics
TIL how to extend all floating point types at ones in Swift
TIL pipeline Yndex is using for turning satellite images into maps
Read first chapters from App Architecture book
TIL `String` in Swift has `sorted()` returning `[Character]`; `Array` of `Equatable` is `Equatable`
Watched Swift Talk episode The Swift Talk Backend (Part 1)
TIL UIGraphicsImageRenderer
Read The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code; The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing (version 3.0); Sorting Resumes
Read post ABI Stability and More at swift.org
Read Copy on Write in iOS 11
TIL some tricks of using macOS Character Viewer; Passed through of NSHipster's post about using `swift-sh`; Returned to NSHipster's post about `TextOutputStream`
Run through `UITableView` Infinite Scrolling Tutorial; Read very short introduction into Swift compiler internals
Read What’s new in Swift 5.0; Read interesting post about Sowftware 2.0 or Differentiable Programming; TIL Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift
TIL Swift weekly newsletter; Read a couple of very promising Swift proposals
Read fun post Initialization in C++ is Seriously Bonkers; Watched Point-Free episode The Many Faces of Flat-Map: Part 4
Read Missing Guide on Swift Code Style
Read NSHipster's post about import in Swift
Read NSHipster's post Bundles and Packages
TIL `xcrun simctl openurl booted maps://?s=Apple+Park` opens URL with scheme associated with app, `xcrun simctl addmedia booted ~/Desktop/mindblown.gif` adds photo to photo library
TIL Apple’s Swift standard library, Google's, Official raywenderlich.com, Linkedin and Coursera Swift Style Guides; TIL API Design Guidelines from Swift.org
Made to some PRs in Spotify stuff as preparation to next round of job interview with them
TIL `cmark` CLI; Read `TextOutputStream` post in NSHeapster
Watched Point Free episode #44 The many faces of flatMap part 3
TIL Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License
Watched Swift talk #135 about combined resource download and Point free episode #43 The Many Faces of Flat-Map: Part 2
Read Memory safety of Swift language guide; TIL Swift runtime is able to detect conflicting accesses to memory
Read “The Pragmatic Programmer” Is Essential Reading for Software Developers and Swift CoreNFC as quick as possible
Read the first chapter of Machine Learning with CoreML book
TIL Overflow operators in Swift language guide
TIL what's result of `-9 % 4` in Swift
TIL `FloatingPoint` protocol in Swift; Read Training YOLOv3 for custom objects
TIL different kinds of ranges in Swift
Watched Swift talk episode about chaining downloads
Read Bundle programming guide
TIL SSH tunnels; For exercise implemented singly linked lists in Swift and tortoise and hare algorithm (aka Floyd's algorithm) for detecting loops in lists algorithm
Watched issue #42 of Point-free The many faces of flatMap Part 1
TIL keystrokes for Bash for clearing command line
TIL iOS stuff could be used for detecting traffic signs rectangles
Read post The Complete Guide to iOS and Swift Job Interviews by Paul Hudson
TIL `git reflog`
Read Introduction To Swift Memory Layout
Watched Point Free Episode #41 A tour of snapshot testing; TIL `xed` CLI to run Xcode
TIL Bloom filter
Watched Swift talk about building Dijkstra path
TIL how to extract speech from youtube video ans transform speech into text
TIL image segmentation
TIL how to make screen saver in Swift; read several post about secure development
TIL Amazon S3 vs EBS vs EFS; TIL AWS instances spot market
TIL a lot about integers in Swift
TIL using IBM Watson and Azure to train models for CoreML
Watched several interesting videos from try! Swift NYC 2018 conference
TIL imgaug library for augmenting images
TIL using Turi Create
Read How to Prepare for a Technical Interview at Facebook; Dug in sources of Swift standard library
Read Where the &$!#% is Localizable.strings?!?; Read Unit testing retain cycles; Read Clustarisation: algorithms k-means and c-means
Read iOS 11: Machine Learning for everyone; Read Why learn algorithms?; Read One-shot object detection
TIL date formatters in Swift leaking important details; Read Using unit tests to identify & avoid memory leaks in Swift
Read Swift: Why You Should not Use Default Implementations in Protocols; Watched WWDC 2018 401 session video What's New in Swift, 403 session video What's New in Testing and 703 session video Introducing Create ML
Read Natasha the Robot's post Swift: When to use guard vs if; Watched Everything a Swift Dev Needs to Know About Machine Learning
Read Ranges and Intervals in Swift
TIL nuances how `UserDefaults` works in Screen Saver on macOS
Watched WWDC 2018 session video 703 Introducing Create ML
Watched WWDC 2018 session video 408 Building faster in Xcode 10
TIL contextual actions in Xcode
Read Chapter 2 of RxSwift book
Read NSHipster's post UIFieldBehavior; Read Chapter 1 of RxSwift book