TIL about image stippling
TIL about image stippling. WiKi page Stippling is quite general. Here what is meant (the image is from stippled-image repo):
Watched Coding Challenge 181: Weighted Voronoi Stippling. It’s great! Would be nice make in Swift packages for Voronoi and for stippling images. Stippling is similar to dithering a bit.
Finally I know what FPV frame size means All About Multirotor Drone FPV Frames:
Each frame has a designated size class, based upon the longest distance from motor to motor measured in millimeters, typically taken by measuring diagonally across the frame. A frame measuring less than 150mm motor-to-motor is categorized as a micro. A frame larger than 150mm motor-to-motor is considered a mini. When measuring an unconventional multicopter frame, such as a hexacopter or tricopter, the size will always be given by the greatest motor-to-motor distance.
Browsed Explaining Kalman Filters with the Crazyflie.
Excellent explainer! For those who want to delve a little deeper, or write their own EKF from scratch, I humbly suggest: https://simondlevy.github.io/ekf-tutorial/ https://github.com/simondlevy/TinyEKF
Read how to make a deck to turn crazyflie into FPV drone: FPV deck hack.
TIL difference between Cortex M and Cortex A. ARM Cortex-M
The main difference from Cortex-A cores is that Cortex-M cores have no memory management unit (MMU) for virtual memory, considered essential for “full-fledged” operating systems. Cortex-M programs instead run bare metal or on one of the many real-time operating systems which support a Cortex-M.
Bookmarking link for SIYI HM30 firmware because documentation has broken link.