Interesting Swift interview question
Today I hang at this snippet:
let numbers: [String?] = ["1", "two", nil]
let mapped: [Int?] = numbers.compactMap { Int($0 ?? "0") }
// What's the value of mapped.count?
Correct answer is 3.
Reason is not in source array at all and not in coalescing inside of transform in compactMap as it might seem after first look.
It’s because of type annotation of mapped
variable. [Int?]
for result of compactMap which is returning non-nil
results. Here what documentation says:
/// Returns an array containing the non-nil
results of calling the given
/// transformation with each element of this sequence.
/// Use this method to receive an array of non-optional values when your
/// transformation produces an optional value.
Ok, [Int?]
for result of compactMap
looks strange. But how is that influencing result? Here how compactMap
is declared:
func compactMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
And its implementation is dead simple:
return { $0 != nil }.map { $0! }
Attention to function declaration. compactMap
is generic on type of element of returning array.
returning [ElementOfResult]
and its transform parameter is (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?
But what if we enforce ElementOfResult to be optional providing type annotation for mapped
Not a problem. Then transform will wrap all transformation results in optinal giving double optional.
Then compactMap
will get rid of wrapper optional because none of elemens could be nil.
And now elements of array returned from compactMap
is optional some of which might be nil
That what we have in our case. That why count of mapped is 3 but not 2.
But if you make type annotation of mapped
or get rid of it completely we get count 2 as expected.
Interesting example when explicite type annotation might play bad. If they are wrong.