Read What is type erasure in Swift? An explanation with code samples.

Read What are primary associated types in Swift 5.7?.

TIL what is primary asosiated type in Swift. In snippet below in Element because it is in angle brackets <Element> in protocol declaration.

public protocol Collection<Element> : Sequence {

    @available(*, deprecated, message: "all index distances are now of type Int")
    typealias IndexDistance = Int

    associatedtype Element

    /// A type that represents a position in the collection.
    /// Valid indices consist of the position of every element and a
    /// "past the end" position that's not valid for use as a subscript
    /// argument.
    associatedtype Index : Comparable where Self.Index == Self.Indices.Element, Self.Indices.Element == Self.Indices.Index, Self.Indices.Index == Self.SubSequence.Index

    /// A lot of other stuff...