Have been looking for iterator of pairs of sequence elements which I have used several years ago. Failed to find implementation. I found out I have a gap in knowledge and fail to write iterator on my own. I should fill in this gap. But by now here is implementation of pairs iterator borrowed from here:

extension Collection {
    func pairs() -> AnySequence<(Element, Element)> {
        return AnySequence(zip(self, self.dropFirst()))

As it fairly stated

this approach is not safe when applied to a Sequence, because it is not guaranteed that a sequence can be traversed multiple times non-destructively.

Implementation with a custom iterator type which works on sequences as well

struct PairSequence<S: Sequence>: IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
    var iterator: S.Iterator
    var last: S.Element?

    init(seq: S) {
        iterator = seq.makeIterator()
        last = iterator.next()

    mutating func next() -> (S.Element, S.Element)? {
        guard let a = last, let b = iterator.next() else { return nil }
        last = b
        return (a, b)

extension Sequence {
    func pairs() -> PairSequence<Self> {
        return PairSequence(seq: self)

Reading … forgot exactly what … found out how interesting reversed() over Sequence is implemented in Swift. And it seems like I could really optimize it for performance as per FIXME. Sequence itself has also interesting FIXME which I could address.

Read Swift Tip: Lazy Infinite Sequences. Nice to clarify that sequence doesn’t produce element until it is requested. In following example nothing is computed until we turn results into into an Array:

let results = (1...)
   .map { $0 * $0 }
   .filter { $0 > 100 }

Exercise: improve code from this post.