From A beginner’s guide to tmux TIL tmux is a terminal multiplexer.

  • tmux ls lists active tmux sessions
  • tmux attach -t 0 attaches to session 0
  • Ctrl+B D — Detach from the current session.
  • Ctrl+B % — Split the window into two panes horizontally.
  • Ctrl+B “ — Split the window into two panes vertically.
  • Ctrl+B Arrow Key (Left, Right, Up, Down) — Move between panes.
  • Ctrl+B X — Close pane.
  • Ctrl+B C — Create a new window.
  • Ctrl+B N or P — Move to the next or previous window.
  • Ctrl+B 0 (1,2…) — Move to a specific window by number.
  • Ctrl+B : — Enter the command line to type commands. Tab completion is available.
  • Ctrl+B ? — View all keybindings. Press Q to exit.
  • Ctrl+B W — Open a panel to navigate across windows in multiple sessions.
  • Ctrl+B [ - Turns on scrolling in windows, Q exits scrolling.