TIL SSH tunnels; For exercise implemented singly linked lists in Swift and tortoise and hare algorithm (aka Floyd's algorithm) for detecting loops in lists algorithm
Implemented SinglyLinkedList in Swift. Just to train implementing tortoise and hare algorithm (aka Floyd’s algorithm) for looking loops in lists. It was good exercise. List it is not something you work often in Swift.
Read interesting post Practical advises, examples and SSH tunnels. Especial gems:
- reverse tunnel
ssh -v -R user@remoteserver
- copying identity on remote server
ssh-copy-id user@remoteserver
- remote command execution
localhost:~$ ssh remoteserver "cat /var/log/nginx/access.log"
- copy (tared) local folder on remote server
tar -cvj /datafolder | ssh remoteserver "tar -xj -C /datafolder"
- editing remote files locally
vim scp://user@remoteserver//etc/hosts
(read explanation in #15 there) - mounting remote as local folder over ssh
sshfs user@remoteserver:/media/data ~/data/
failed to make it work on OSX.