Nice reading UIView styling with functions.

When you use subclasses in Swift to style your views, you loose composition. For example, if you create two UIButton subclasses, FilledButton and RoundedButton, how do you create a button that is both filled and rounded?

Side story. Having this I couldn’t realise what’s going on in curly braces where filled is initialized:

struct ViewStyle<T> {
    let style: (T) -> Void

let filled = ViewStyle<UIButton> {
    $0.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
    $0.backgroundColor = .red

It took some efort to get it’s just trailing closure for style parameter of default initializer:

let filled = ViewStyle<UIButton>(style: {
    $0.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
    $0.backgroundColor = .red

Conclusion of the post at whole. After playing with it in playground for more than an hour I think that some things are rough, but approach definetly worth following it. What I would add - operations like + to compose styles easily.