Read how PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) works to control servos. Whole post is interesting. It explains topics like “How to select a servo motor for your application”.

Watched and fallowed video 03 Pymavlink Takeoff and 04 Pymavlink Movement.

Googling for SBUS have found a series How to Write your own Flight Controller Software. Marvelous! How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 3 has quite interesting info about PID regulators.

Following image, explaining effect of changing PID coefficients I find useful: Effect of Changing PID Loop Gains: Kp, Ki and Kd

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 4 has good explanation about cascading PID loops as one possible approach of controlling multirotor.

Motor Mixing Algorithm

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 5.

In Part 5 of our series on writing your own flight controller software we will focus on the IMU and in particular explain the best ways to convert the gyro rate and accelerometer force data to a roll and pitch angle. The yaw angle is then calculated using the pitch and roll and magnetometer data.

It’s discussed building of IMU based on Arduino Nano 33 BLE.

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 6. It’s about LiPo Battery Monitoring using a scheduler.

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 7 which covers the Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), IMU Filters and Sensor Fusion. We have released the open source ReefwingAHRS Arduino library to demonstrate these techniques on the Nano 33 BLE.

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 8 covers building A light weight Arduino implementation of the MultiWii Serial Protocol.

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 9 ESC Arming and an Introduction to BLDC Motors.

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 10 Understanding and Controlling Brushed DC Motors

How to Write your own Flight Controller Software — Part 11 Managing Brushless DC (BLDC) Motors

Looking ExpressLRS Configurator found something I didn’t know: how to launch app if macOS complains app cannot be opened because the developer cannot be identified - press Control keyboard key and [Open] button on error pane. Alternatively, following could be used: sudo xattr -rd /Applications/ExpressLRS\ Error pane should be closed before issuing command in terminal.