Spend more than an hour for writing simple shell script to run some cli on every file matching pattern:

for file in *.pcm; do
   fromescaped=$(printf '%q' "$file")
   to="$(basename "$file" .pcm).wav"
   toescaped=$(printf '%q' "$to")
   #echo $cmd
   cmd="ffmpeg -f f32le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -y -i $fromescaped $toescaped"
   eval $cmd

Had to google how to write binary or octal literal in Swift:

let decimalInteger = 17         // 17 in decimal notation
let binaryInteger = 0b10001     // 17 in binary notation
let octalInteger = 0o21         // 17 in octal notation
let hexadecimalInteger = 0x11   // 17 in hexadecimal notation

Learned about rounding in Swift:

let f: Float = ...
_ = f.rounded() // rounds to closest integral value, same as 'rounded(.toNearestOrAwayFromZero)''
_ = f.rounded(.toNearestOrAwayFromZero) // equivalent to the C 'round' function
_ = f.rounded(.towardZero) // equivalent to the C 'trunc' function
_ = f.rounded(.up) // equivalent to the C 'ceil' function
_ = f.rounded(.down) // equivalent to the C 'floor' function